Thursday, January 15, 2009

More things I am learning as I get closer to the top of the hill...

I am more afraid of heights than I thought. I definitely prefer this side of hill.
After having 3 children, my bladder does not function like it once did. Coughing & sneezing are the enemies of my bladder.
Wrinkles are just “war wounds,” and No amount of wrinkle cream and moisturizer will help.
Grey hair will always look better on men than on women.
The older men get, the more distinguished they look. The older women get they begin to “show their age.” What’s wrong with this picture?
I cannot physically force my kids to fall asleep.
I do not need a lot of friends. I just need my best friend, and I so love her.
The relationships I have now are deeper than those I once had.
My mother is not near as stupid as I once thought.
You can still miss someone 10+ years after they pass away.
Presently, my children think I am the smartest, most wonderful Mom in the world. This will not be so in 3 years.
Sitting in a chair, behind a desk all day has a negative effect on one’s backside. When did they start making the bottoms of the chairs smaller???
40 is actually PAST middle-aged.
Having common sense is highly over-rated. It tends to take the fun out of life.
Geepers… I sure was a stupid teenager.
Being senile might have some advantages.
Senior moments are not just for “seniors.”
Sitting in a nursing home having someone care for every need might not be such a bad idea.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, GRAVITY IS THE ENEMY!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Little Humor, a little sadness...

Yesterday morning, there was a Baptism at church. As Matt sat on my lap, I realized this was the 1st time she had ever seen one. Well, after the boy was baptized, Matt turned and whispered in my ear: "Why did he take a bath?" I thought I was going to fall out of the pew. LOL Later on in the service, she looks at me and says: "Momma, do I look pity (pretty)?" That one came from out of the blue. LOL

Now onto the sadness. Mag is the type of child that doesn't usually verbalize her feelings and thoughts (that's why she sees a counselor). She tends to keep them all bottled up inside of her. Then, when one thing happens that upsets her, it sends her over the edge, and we have a meltdown. Well, last nite we had a meltdown. She wishes she could see her Daddy more. She also realized that he has only seen her play softball ONE time. She said, I need a Daddy. Then, she tells me she wants a Daddy - one that she sees everyday. One that will hug her everyday when he gets home. One who wants to see her everyday. What's sad is, I do not think it necessarily has to be HER Daddy. Just someone who wants to be her Daddy.

I know I often miss being held and hugged by a man, but I never realized she missed that, too. The thought never crossed my mind that my children miss being held, hugged and loved everyday by a father. It makes me sad that I got wrapped up in my own longings, that I did not see theirs. This is not the first time this issue has been brought up. I try to explain to Maggie that God has that perfect person chosen for us, and we have to wait until He is ready for him to come into our lives. Ironically, I expect a 9 1/2 year old to be patient, when my patience is wearing thin. LOL

So, the question is: "How do I help her?" I am completely clueless on this one... I try my best to be both Mommy and Daddy, but I know they need more. They want that real father-figure. I so wanted to tell her that she can call on God as her father, but I know she is wanting the physical presence and closeness. I just did not have even an inkling on how to deal with this issue. All I could do was hold her, comfort her and tell her how glad I am that God loaned her to me. After all, our children are simply "Angels on loan from God."