Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Tiny Princess a/k/a Monkey

This child is absolutely HILARIOUS. She is so animated. Her facial expressions are priceless. Last nite, she was wanting me to order pizza (keep in mind she's only 4). She looks at me with her hands clasped together (as if getting ready to pray), attempting to bat her eyes and stick out her bottom lip, and says "Pease?" No, I did not misspell that. LOL

There are no r's or s's in her vocabulary. We go wimming and her Daddy calls her weet pee. Did you know there are certain one syllable words that actually contain two syllables? For example, hair is pronounced hai-rr; head is pronounced Hay-ed.

Last nite did end up being pizza nite. Pizza nite is always fun. We sit at the table cutting up and joking around. Maggie burped, and we were all talking and giggling. All of a sudden, Matt says "shhh. Quiet." Then, she said "Damn-it." I was trying not to let her see me laughing as I told her not to say that. Instead, she says "Oh, my goodness." We all looked at her, and she replies ", I can't burp." The little fart was sitting there trying to make herself burp, and wanted to be sure we all heard her. LOL I thought we were all gonna fall on the floor laughing.

She can also come up with some "tall tales." The other day, she was talking to her Daddy on the phone and talking to him about a Miley Cyrus concert." She gets off the phone and tells me she is going to a Miley concert. Of course, I'm wondering what she has cooked up with her Dad. So, I call him, only to find out he was also wondering what she was talking about. He wasn't taking her to a Miley concert, either. LOL

Matt is quite the little Fashionista, as well. She can match clothes better than any little girl I have ever seen. She's better than Maggie. LOL She loves to wear the little skirts with the shorts built in. However, since she is such a bully around the house, it reminds me of putting an elephant in a tu-tu. Or, for those of you who have ever seen "Hope Floats," the chubby little girl in the dress with the high-tops that beat up Bernice. That's our Matt.

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